How do I get a list of all my list members?

You can send a "who" request by email to
(replace listname with your real list name)

Compose an email to (recipient): (replace listname with your real list name)

Put the word who in the first line of the body of the message:
who [$<$PASSWORD$>$]

(no brackets around the email address, and no quotes!)

and send it.
Note that the who command does not show "hidden" members. If some members have "Conceal the member's address" (hidden option) on they will not show up in the result of a who command.

The roster list is limited to the list administrator only, and you must supply your membership password to retrieve it.
If you're posting from an address other than your membership address, specify your membership address with
(no brackets around the email address, and no quotes!)

as in:

who [$<$PASSWORD$>$] [address=$<$ADDRESS$>$]

Properties ID: 000150   Views: 4704   Updated: 15 years ago