How do I create a one-way list (newsletter/announcement) using Maiman 2.x

If you want to create a list to which only the admin or a restricted number of people can post (such as a newsletter), here are the changes to make:

In the example below, replace with your list real name.

Once you've added all the list members: set everyone to be moderated.
This way they will not be able to post directly to the list. Their posts will be sent to the list owner (or moderator) for approval.

  • Click on membership Management then Membership List
  • Set everyone's moderation bit, including those members not currently visible" to: ON.
  • Click Set.


  • Go to the Privacy Options page.
  • Under Sender filters
    -- Set "By default, should new list member postings be moderated? " to YES
    -- Set "Action to take when a moderated member posts to the list" to "Hold so they posting will be held for moderation".

Then allow posting for the addresses you want:

If a poster's address is not a receiving list member:

  • Go to the Privacy Options page.
  • Under Sender filters
  • Add his email address in the "List of non-member addresses whose postings should be automatically accepted."
  • Click on Submit your changes to save it.

If a poster's address is in the list membership:

  • Go to the list Membership Management page

  • Click on "Membership List "

  • Find the member's address

  • Uncheck the "mod checkbox" in his settings

  • Click on Submit your changes to save it.

  • Now, under Privacy Options/Sender Filters

  • Set "Action to take for postings from non-members for which no explicit action is defined":
    -- to Hold if you want to see them held for moderation
    -- to Reject or Discard if you are not accepting outside posts.
    --- If you choose Reject, set the text in Text to include in any rejection notice

Properties ID: 000199   Views: 6214   Updated: 3 years ago