My email box is full. How do I empty it?

  1. If you are still using POP to check your mail:

  • Please check your email software settings to see if you have the option to "leave the messages on the server" checked:
    This option causes the messages to stay on our mail server and not to be deleted, even if you delete them on your computer.
  • If this option is checked, uncheck it and try to get your mail again.
    This will empty your email box from the messages that were on the mail server and download them onto your computer.

From an IMAP client or using, either of which store the emails on the server there are two ways you can delete old mail.

For example from (Zimbra Webmail): Note: if we host your own domain on Zimbra, replace with your own domain name.
  • Use the Search to find and delete messages dated before a certain date:

    - login to as, using your regular email password.
    - in the search box, type for example: "before:1/1/2008" to search for all messages in your Inbox dated before 1/1/2008.
    - Scroll down to the bottom of the 2008 message list and click on the select checkbox on the top to select them all.
    - Click on Delete.

  • - Setup a Filter to delete messages dated before a certain date:
    - login to as, using your regular email password.
    - click on the Preferences tab.
    - Click on the left menu items Mail-> Filters.
    - Set up the filter according to your needs.

    If you are using another email client to access your mail, setup a filter there.

Properties ID: 000247   Views: 7150   Updated: 1 year ago