How can I create a nice HTML email?

You should think of the email message as an extension of your Web site.

You can't just copy any HTML page and send it via email.

The easiest way to send your HTML email is to write your letter in an HTML editor first, or compose it with your email client HTML editor.

Set up all your images, links, and information exactly as you would like them. Save the .html file.

Post the images on the e-newsletter section of your web site, and then when you link to them in your email message point to your Web site for the image source. e.g.

<font size="2">&lt;img src=&quot;<strong></strong>/enews/images/image1.jpg&quot;&gt; </font>

Be sure to use absolute paths for both images and links.
Remember, your readers are going to be at all different locations, so you need to use absolute paths in an HTML email to ensure that the images display and the links work.


  • You can use the <base href=""> tag in the <head> of your HTML email, but not all email clients support that tag
  • Background images (in the <body> tag) only work in some email clients
  • The bgcolor attribute works best if you put it in a table, and enclose your entire email in a single celled table
  • To ensure consistency in your newsletter, make a template and reuse it each time.

Once you page is composed, you are ready to send it.

Properties ID: 000268   Views: 4366   Updated: 13 years ago