Zimbra Account's Status Description

Changing an Account's Status

Account status determines whether a user can log in and receive mail. The account status is displayed when account names are listed on the Accounts Content pane.
The following account statuses can be set:

Active. Active is the normal status for a mailbox account. Mail is delivered and users can log into the client interface.

Maintenance. When a mailbox status is set to maintenance, login is disabled, and mail addressed to the account is queued at the MTA. An account can be set to maintenance mode for backing up, importing or restoring the mailbox.

Pending. Pending is a status that can be assigned when a new account is created and not yet ready to become active. The login is disabled and messages are bounced.

Locked. When a mailbox status is locked, the user cannot log in, but mail is still delivered to the account. The locked status can be set, if you suspect that a mail account has been hacked or is being used in an unauthorized manner.

Closed. When a mailbox status is closed, the login is disabled, and messages are bounced. This status is used to soft-delete an account before deleting the account from the server. A closed account does not change the account license.

LockOut. This is set automatically when users who try to log in do not enter their correct password and are then locked out of their account. You cannot set this status manually. You set up a login policy with a specified number of consecutive failed login attempts that are allowed before they are locked out. How long the account is locked out is set by COS or Account configuration, but you can change the lockout status at any time.

Properties ID: 000290   Views: 17024   Updated: 10 years ago