Changing Email Account Password Using A Temporary Password

Sometime, when you don't remember your current password, or when an email account start sending spam, we have to reset the account password and assign a temporary one.

NEW: Since February 2019, you have the option of Adding a recovery email address for your Zimbra email account for future use.
Please do it: it will allow resetting your password on your own using the Forgot Password link if you forget it.

Here is how to select a new email password once you have received the temporary password either at an alternate email address or by phone.

1- Pick a new password. The new password must have at least:
8 characters
1 upper case letter
1 lower case letter
1 punctuation symbol (.,-:;)

Do not re-use old passwords, passwords that you use on other accounts or passwords that spell out dictionary words or part of the username.
Make a good note of the new password as you will need to re-enter it on all computers/devices you check your email from.

2- login to using

  • Username: enter your email address
  • Password: Enter the temporary password listed above
  • Click on Login


3- You will immediately be prompted to reset your password.
There will be a yellow banner saying "Your password is no longer valid: it is expected, see the instructions below.


On the new login page, use:

  • Username: enter your email address:
  • Password: re-enter the temporary password listed above
  • New Password: Enter the new password
  • Confirm: re-enter your new password
  • Check on "Remember me" if you want your computer to save this information for login to webmail.
  • Click on Login to save the password change.

That is it for updating your password using webmail.

4- While you are in webmail: Add a recovery email address to your account.

5- Use the new password to setup your new email account on all your devices:
See instructions for various apps at

If you need help, feel free to call our 24/7 Phone Support: 301-255-0500 option #2, then
Option #1: Email tech. support

Properties ID: 000355   Views: 6171   Updated: 1 year ago