New: Domain Registrant Verification starting 1/31/2014

Registrant verification is a new requirement in the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) that requires all registrars to verify the registrant’s contact name and email address during a new registration, transfers in or contact updates, if not previously verified.

The validation process is a 15 day window during which a Registrant must provide an affirmative response to an email that OpenSRS will send to them. The email contains a link that the Registrant is asked to click. When they click this link, they are taken to a page that displays the email address, first and last name that they used to register the domain. The validation email message also includes a link to the domain registration terms and conditions and a checkbox that they must click to indicate that they agree to those terms and conditions. Failure to respond to this email will result in the domain being suspended.

The validation page looks like this:

Validation Page Example

Properties ID: 000362   Views: 4277   Updated: 11 years ago
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