Transfering a domain registration to HIS

If your domain is currently registered with another registrar (Network Solutions, Verisign, you can transfer your domain to HIS/OpenSRS.

  • Verify that the Admin Contact Email address for the domain is valid. Contact the current registrar to make this change if necessary.
  • Unlock your domain using your current registrar's Domain Management account.
  • Remove the Privacy service as it interferes with the registration process
  • Get the Auth-Code - You will need it later in the Process

Then contact us at or open a support ticket to let us know you want to transfer your domain.

We will submit the transfer request, an email will be sent to the domain administrator email address on record, and you will have to access it to approve the transfer of the domain. Thas is where you will be asked to enter the Auth-code.

After that, there may be a one week delay for your current Registrar to approve the transfer. Once the transfer happens, you will get a confirmation by email, and HIS will handle your domain registration from that point forward.

We provide a Domain Management Tool to manage your domain registration online.

Note that we cannot do transfersfor domains that are On Hold or Past Due or in their transfer prohibited period. To be on the safe side, you should start the registrar transfer process at least a week before the expiry of the domain.

Please note that if a com/net/org domain does expire and you have to renew with the old registrar, you should not transfer until 45 days past the anniversary date. If you do, the year paid to the old registry will be lost and they do not give refunds.
The .ORG Registry imposes a 60 day transfer prohibited period after a domain is registered or transfered.
Properties ID: 000037   Views: 6970   Updated: 1 year ago
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