Troubleshooting IMAP Folders Issues with IMAP and Outlook 2013 some Outlook 2016/365

It looks like many Outlook 2013 or Outlook 365
users were having issues within synchronizing IMAP folders or their Inbox
This issue is caused by one of the following updates that have been pushed out by Microsoft on 11/12/13:
KB2837618 or KB2837643

If you have not already done so, please avoid this update for a bit until Microsoft corrects the issue. If you cannot avoid the update, otherwise, follow these steps for a temporary fix for the issue.

Issues with synching IMAP Folders

These solutions might help:

Uninstall the 11/12/13 updates (KB2837618 or KB2837643)

One option is to remove the recent update that has been pushed out by Microsoft to Outlook 2013 and Office 365 users. To do so, complete the following steps:

  • Open your Start menu and click visit your Control Panel.
  • Click Programs and Features
    • Click View Installed Updates
    • Locate either the KB2837618 or KB2837643 updates and remove them.

Disable the "Show only subscribed folders" option in Outlook

There have been reports that the problem can also be resolved by removing the setting that states to show only subscribed folders in Outlook.

  • Right-click the name of your account with the issue, then click the IMAP Folders... link.
  • Outlook will open a box with IMAP folders.
  • Uncheck the checkbox that says, "When displaying hierarchy in Outlook, show only the subscribed folders.
  • Force sending/receiving within Outlook and everything should synchronize up properly.

Issues with synching the Inbox

Set the root folder path for your IMAP account:

Be sure to back up any existing emails or copy it to an offline location before making this change.
Replacing the root folder can possibly cause the loss of saved emails in the account.

  • File-> Account Settings-> Account Settings…
  • Double click on your IMAP account.
  • Button: More Options…
  • Tab: Advanced
  • Option: Root folder path
  • Usually setting this to “INBOX” will do the trick.
  • OK yourself out all of the opened dialogs.

Check you cache retention settings

Depending on the size of your hard disk or SSD in your computer, your Offline Settings might be set to only store up to 1 month, 3 months, 12 month worth of emails on your local disk.
Careful: The more email you cache, the longer it will take to sync especially the first time.

If you’ve got enough space on your disk and want to cache more emails locally, you can set the sync slider in the following way:

  • File-> Account Settings-> Account Settings…-> double click on your IMAP account
  • Use the Sync Slider to set how much email should sync locally.
  • Use the Sync Slider to set how much email should sync.

If all fails: recreate the IMAP account in Outlook

If the above steps didn’t help, you might want to start fresh by removing your IMAP account from Outlook and then adding it again.
You’ll first need to export the folders which are marked with “This computer only” to a pst-file. Don’t forget your Calendar and Contacts folders!

  • File-> Open & Export-> Import/Export-> Export to a file-> Outlook Data File (.pst)

Remove the account:

  • File-> Account Settings-> Account Settings…
  • Account Settings->Remove

Properties ID: 000383   Views: 13648   Updated: 1 year ago