Login as Zimbra Domain administrator
When your Zimbra domain service was created you received an email with the Admin Username and Password.
Login to your Zimbra Server Webmail access, for example https://zimbraxx.his.com
Using your regular email account's username & password.
Once logged in:
- Click to the triangle next to your name on the top right of the Webmail page to display the menu options.
- Select Admin Console
- Your page will change to the Zimbra Admin Console page, its address will change to: https://zimbraxx.his.com:9071/zimbraAdmin/
You will see the domain accounts you can manage in the left menu:
- Accounts: Regular Email accounts: manage passwords and quotas.
- Aliases: Any alias to an existing email account.
- Distribution Lists: Forwarding to one or more email addresses.
- Resources: Any shared and tangible resource you want to manage, such as a conference room...
For more information, see our articles on Zimbra Administrators Overview.