Adding an Account to your Zimbra Domain

To add a new Account to your Zimbra domain, log in to the Zimbra Admin Console (ZAC).

To create a new email account from the Home screen:

  • Click on Manage in the left navigation pane. This takes you to the Manage screen.

Make sure Accounts is highlighted, and then

  • Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner, and select New.

This brings up the New Account dialog, which has several screens:

  • The General Information screen is the only screen required, along with a Password.

  • The other screens, such as Contact Information, Aliases, Member of, etc, are not required but may have options that you wish to set for the user.

    Account Name (required) - this is the e-mail address of the user. The Account Name cannot have spaces or symbols, but a period between the names (jane.doe, for example), is allowed. All letters must be in lower-case. If there is more than one domain available, there will be a drop down menu for the hostname.

    First Name (not required) - the first name of the user.

    Middle initial (not required) - the middle initial of the user.

    Last Name (required) - the last name of the user.

    Display Name (not required) - if the Display Name is set to auto, then the First Name and Last Name will be used. If no First Name is given, then the Last Name will be the Display Name. If auto is unchecked, then you can set the Display Name manually.

  • Account Setup

    Account Status - by default the Account Status is set to Active.
    The other choices are Closed, Locked, Pending and Maintenance.

Note that there is an Administrator option here - leave this unchecked. If you check this, the user will NOT be created as an administrator. If you need to add a new administrator user, contact HIS Support.

  • Click Next once you have completed the General Information screen.

The account will be created on the Zimbra server.

Properties ID: 000489   Views: 3754   Updated: 1 year ago