Enabling Secure Connections in Windows Mail App

1- Start the Windows Mail program from your Start menu.

2- When Windows Mail opens, click Tools, then Accounts from the menu bar.

3- Select your His-hosted email account and click Properties.

4- Click on the Advanced tab for your mail account.

5- Turn on both This server requires a secure connection (SSL) checkboxes.

6- Change to secure connections:
For Outgoing mail (SMTP) change to port number to 465
For Incoming mail (IMAP) change the port number from 143 to 993
For Incoming mail (POP3) change the port number from 110 to 995

7- Click OK
8- Click Close to close the Internet Accounts window.

Thats it.

Properties ID: 000522   Views: 2898   Updated: 7 months ago