Setting up redirects/forwards on Plesk9.x

Here is how to setup redirects/forwards on Plesk v9.x

To create en email redirect using your Plesk Control Panel, you need to start by creating an email account (or mailname):

  1. Click the Mail icon at the Domain administration page to access the Mail Names Management functions
  2. Click Add New Mail Name. The mail name creation page will open
  3. Enter the desired name into the Mail name field, DO NOTenter a password
    4.Uncheck the Control panel access checkbox
    5.Uncheck the Mailbox checkbox.
    6.Click OK to submit all changes.

Now that the mailname is created, click on it to access the mail name properties page

1.Click the Redirect icon.
2.Select the Redirect checkbox, and in the text box to the right, enter the appropriate address that you wish mail for this mail name to be forwarded to.
3.Click OK.

Once enabled, the Redirects icon on the Mail Names page appears in color.

Properties ID: 000060   Views: 2590   Updated: 14 years ago