AWStats Web Statistics on Plesk
2025: Our new generation of web servers only supports AWStats as web statistics tools.
Refer to AWStats documentation:
Here how to use it:
Login to your web site domain Plesk Panel.
Click on the Statistics tab.
Click Website Statistics.
Click View next to the domain/subdomain you want to analyze.
Use the dropdown menu to select a report for a specific month, year, and click OK.
Use the following links to navigate between reports:
Monthly History - Displays your page views and bandwidth usage per month for one year
Days of Month - Displays your page views and bandwidth usage usage per day for one month
Days of Week - Displays your page views and bandwidth usage per day for one week
Hours - Displays your page views and bandwidth usage per hour for 24 hours.
Countries - Displays your page views and bandwidth usage for the top 10 countries.
Hosts - Displays your page views and bandwidth usage for the top 10 server
Last visit - Displays the IP address from the last visitors
Unresolved IP Address - Displays the number of visits and bandwidth usage from Unknown IP addreses
Robots/Spiders visitors - Displays the number of visits and bandwidth usage from known web crawlers
Last Visit - Displays the number of visits and bandwidth usage from last known IP Addresses
Visits duration - Displays the number of visits and how long each visit lasted
File Type - Displays your page views and bandwidth usage for specific website data
Downloads - Displays the top 10 most downloaded files on the website
Viewed - Displays the top 10 most viewed files on the website
Entry - Displays the the landing page per visit
Operating Systems - Displays your page views per operating system(e.g. OSX, Windows, Linux, etc.)
Versions - Displays your page views per operating system plus OS version(e.g. Windows 7, 8, 10, etc.)
Unknown - Displays yoru page views per unknown operating system
Browsers - Displays your page views per Web Browser(e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.)
Versions - Displays your page views per Web Browser plus browser version(e.g. Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, etc.)
Unknown - Displays your page views per unknown Web Browser
Orgin - Displays the number of page views per referer(search engine, bookmark, internal links, external links, etc.)
Referring search engines - Displays your page views per search engine
Referring sites - Displays your page views per referring sites
Search - Displays your page view from search engine links
Search Keyphrases - Displays your page views from keyphrases search(e.g. arvixe technical documentation)
Search Keywords - Displays your page views from search engine keyword search(e.g. documentation)
Miscellaneous - Displays the number of page views for other website data(e.g hits on your favicon)
HTTP Status codes - Displays any http status codes that are generated by your website. Refer to AWStats for any error code generated
Error Hits(400) - Displays all the Bad Request errors
Error Hits(403) - Displays all the Forbidden security errors
Error Hits(404) - Displays all the page not found errors
For more details, refer to AWStats documentation: