Export Calendar Data from Horde

We are sorry, we were not able to import your Calendar data automatically into the new (Zimbra) mail.his.com. If you have an active calendar, here is how to export it from Horde to import it in another email client or Zimbra.

  1. Login to the old Horde Webmail at https://oldwebmail.his.com
    using your username (the left part of your email address) and your email password.
  2. To export your calendar data, first open your calendar by clicking on the Pencil icon next to it.
  3. Click on the Import/Export option.
  4. Select the export format: ICalendar
  5. Select to save the file
  6. The file will be saved in the Downloads folder on your computer.
  7. Make a note of the location of the file.
  8. Congratulations! Your calendar is now exported.

Properties ID: 000254   Views: 4787   Updated: 5 years ago